This is an administrative guide on how to configure Sign-in with Google in the Social Connect Module.
Once this has been configured, users can connect their account with their Google Account allowing them to log in to the system simply by clicking the "Sign-in with Google" button from the Login screen.
1. Sign in to Google Developers Console
Log in to the Google Developers Console with your organisation's Google account and have enough permission to create and edit an existing project.
From the project dropdown, choose an existing project for your Intranet/Digital Workplace or create a new project for Claromentis.
Alternatively, if you are our SaaS customer, please contact our support team to assist you with this configuration and setup.
2. Enabling API
Under API & Services Enable Google+ API
3. Create Credentials
Under Credentials, Create Credentials and choose OAuth client ID
Application type: Web application
Name: Claromentis Social Connect {Your intranet Name}
Authorized redirect URIs https://{your-intranet-url}/socialconnect/google/callback
Repace {your-intranet-url} with the actual URL of your Claromentis system
Click "Create"
4. Getting Client ID and Client Secret
Once created, you will get a popup showing Client ID and Client Secret