Corrective steps for User Sync P1s for blocked Azure users

Symptoms and conditions:

  1. User Sync module is used for syncing Azure users
  2. Latest sync blocked all Azure users



Client secret generated for the Claromentis app in Azure has expired which causes connection error between Intranet and Azure during the sync.


Immediate resolution


Support team to

  • take the screenshot of the User Sync admin panel which includes the security groups in it. Ignore this step if the ‘Security groups’ is already blank
  • Communicate to the customer that they need to update the Secret ID in Azure and copy it to User sync
    • In Azure it is found in App registration > [App Name] > Manage > Certificates & Secrets > New client secret
  • Customer provides the Secret ID to Claromentis:
  • Custom team then 
    • adds it to User Sync admin panel and 
    • updates the groups, ether from the screenshot or from the recent backup of core.json
    • Runs a sync
  • Customer confirms that the issue is fixed

See further details for screenshots


Permanent solution

Custom development team are currently working on the solution which will prevent the negative effects of Client secret expiry.

Created on 12 September 2024 by Stas Dreiling

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