Document Downloads

How this works

In the Documents application, if a user has been permitted to view a file, they also have permission to download it.

The Download document button will appear against all documents that a user can view:


When a user only has view permissions, they have been prevented from making new versions of a file or editing them.

The Check-out feature that allows new versions to be uploaded will not appear for them.

In this example, the user has view rights and an additional 'Edit & Approve' right which means they can download as well as create new versions of the file.


Remove downloads?

It is not possible to hide the download button or similar elements as these are fundamental functions the Documents application needs to work. 

It is important to note that even if it were possible to split view and download permissions in the future, allowing them to be given independently, there would still be nothing stopping users with view-only permissions from taking screenshots, print screening, or even filming the files they are looking at.

If in a situation where users should not be able to download a file, it is best to restrict their ability to view it entirely and prevent any opportunity to screenshot it etc.


Created on 3 January 2024 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 16 February 2024

