Projects progress bar v2.1+

The progress bar is a useful feature that can be used to display the current progress of project.

Every time a task has been completed and ticked ✓, the progress bar will update team members on how close they are to completing the project.

The progress bar will display a value between 0% and 100% displaying the percentage of progress made from completing a task.


Setting up the progress bar

Task completion is tied to an 'Expected Duration' being set for the task.
This can be days or hours (or custom entry) depending on how you configure the project settings.


1. Head to Application > Projects, and select the project you want to track progress for.


2. From Project Overview, navigate to More Options > Edit.


3. From Task duration units, choose the unit for the project and press Save.

For this project, it is currently set to Days, but you can choose Hours or Other instead.


4. Head to the Task section to view the list of existing tasks.


5. Use the pencil (Edit) icon located next to the task to view the task details.


6. Enter the Expected duration value of the (estimated) days needed to complete the task.

Please note: The Expected duration field will be empty by default.


7. Press Save to apply the changes.

When completing each task, the values will be added to display the appropriate % based on how many tasks exist in the project. For example, if there are 10 tasks in the project and a task is given an expected duration of 1 day, this would count as 10% of the overall project progress.


Reminder: Tasks will disappear when they are marked as completed. Use the toggle to view completed tasks.


Created on 16 January 2024 by Veronica Kim. Last modified on 15 May 2024

