Category Expert

A Category Expert is a user with specialised knowledge in a particular category of the Knowledge Base application.

In Claromentis, a Category Expert can endorse articles and answer category questions.


In this guide, we will cover the following:

Assign Category Expert

A Knowledge base application admin can assign Category Experts to each KB category.


To assign Category Experts, follow these steps:

  1. Head to Admin > Knowledge base
  2. Navigate to the Categories section and select the relevant Category
  3. Add the users who are Category experts:

Please note: Only Knowledge base application admins can assign Category experts. Category experts cannot access the admin panel and/or assign other experts.


For more information, please check out our Knowledge base: Overview guide



Answer category questions

A Knowledge base application admin can also allow only Category Experts to answer questions users have submitted.


To set up Category Expert permissions, follow these steps:

  1. Head to Admin > Knowledge base
  2. Navigate to the Categories section and select the relevant Category
  3. Check the Only allow Category Experts options:



If only Category Experts are permitted to answer questions, users will see the following message when viewing a question:

Responding to questions is done in the same way as commenting on articles.


For more information, please check out our Knowledge Base: Questions guide.



Endorse KB articles

The endorsement functionality is a feature that is available to Category Experts.

It is a useful tool to promote specific articles selected by Category Experts.


Category experts

To endorse an article, Category Experts can click Endorse this article:


To remove an endorsement, Category Experts can select Remove Endorsement:

Reminder: A Category Expert can endorse any article that is under a category they have been defined as the category expert of.



Front-end users

Endorsed articles will display a tick in the articles list to indicate the endorsement for users:


Users can use the Advanced Search to filter and look up endorsed articles in any category:


Last modified on 30 November 2023 by Hannah Door

