Documents: Bulk Export

Follow this guide if you wish to bulk export documents and folders en masse from the Intranet.

Self-hosted sites can run large exports as well as smaller ZIP downloads in system, however, sites hosted by us can only use the ZIP function.

If you're self-hosted and require a large export of documents from your site, please submit a change request ticket so we can assist you with this.


Large export or export of multiple folders at once - On-Premise only (Self-hosted system)

Head to Admin > Documents > Documents export.


Select the folder you wish to export from the picker (subfolders will be exported if they exist inside the folder chosen)

Specify the server pathway to which the export will be saved.

Decide to export all versions of every document that is included or only the latest versions.

Choose to export this as an XML file or a CSV file.

Click 'sStart export' to begin and once this is complete the files should be evident at your chosen server location.


In system ZIP download - Any site

This is the export of a single folder worth of content, it can be repeated to download multiple folders over time.

Please note: Only files can be selected, if a subfolder is included the ZIP option will not be evident

Navigate into the folder you wish to retrieve all the documents for and select all of its contents (or only those you wish to export) using the checkboxes and the 'download as ZIP' option should appear:

Following this, the download of the selected files should take place on your local machine.


Created on 16 September 2022 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 30 November 2023

