Holiday Zones & Groups and Visibility Tricks

What are Holiday Zones?

Zones are typically countries. It is important to set up a different zone for each country that you have users in because they will likely have different public holidays, different rules on Holiday start dates and carried over holiday limits.



You can set public holidays for each zone under Common Holidays in Holiday Planner Admin Panel


What are Holiday Groups?

These can be arranged how you would like, they typically reflect the team structure within the organisation. It is possible to use the existing system group by simply dragging them under the correct Zone.

Within a holiday group, you can specify the following roles:

Manager - A Holiday Group Manager can view the team's holiday and approve/reject their holiday. This user also receives notifications when a member is requesting a holiday.

Substitute Manager - A Substitute Manager has the same right as Manager but will only receive notifications when a Manager is on holiday.

Permission to run Report - Users with permission to run Holiday Planner Reports for the group specified, you can select multiple users who can run a report.

Holiday group members - users who belong to the same holiday group member can see each other holiday according to My team definition.



What happens to a member who has been added to 2 different zones?

The zone listed at top of the list takes precedence. It means if you have a member who has been added to 2 different zones, the top zone will be used by the system.


What happens to a member who has been added to 2 different groups?

Groups can have a tree-like hierarchy, and members of a group closer to the root will have a higher hierarchy than the member of sub-groups.


What if I want everyone in the company to see each others holiday including the Who's out component but they are in different groups and zones? 

It is possible to create a visibility zone for example "All Employees" with no managers and put everyone who wishes to see each other holiday in a visibility holiday group. Please note the group hierarchy, meaning if you have sub-groups you may want to put everyone at the bottom of the tree.




Last modified on 3 December 2024 by Abigail Yap
Created on 12 May 2021 by Michael Christian

