Cancelling absence or holiday requests
As a user, you can cancel previously booked holiday by following these steps.
1. Navigate to My Holidays then click on the Request history tab
2. Cancelation request will be sent to your Holiday manager pending their approval.
3. A holiday manager can choose to Approve cancellation or Decline the request.
Changing partial or past absence requests.
As a holiday manager, it is possible to override past holiday requests to the correct day type.
They can also submit any day types on behalf of users in general.
This is useful in certain cases e.g. a user booked working from home but they were actually off sick on some of the days, so the booking needs to be updated.
1. Navigate to the Manager area and then Create Absence/Leave
2. Select the user you wish to create the absence/leave and specify the date.
This request will override the user's past absence with the correct day type.