The Design panel is where different themes can be created.
Themes are generally used to serve business purposes like providing an alternative look for extranet area users or an optimised view for mobile app users, however, they can be utilised to have some fun too.
Create a theme
Take artistic license as an administrator of your site and create themes to suit any occasion (if appropriate!)
Change the colours, background image, font, etc to orchestrate a new look for the Intranet.
Theme Ideas:
- Holidays - Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc
- Seasons
- Sports events
- Global Anniversaries e.g. moon landing, teachers day, New Year
- Movie releases
- Anything specific to your company!
Choose a theme
Choose to force users to this theme (which you can manually revert once ready), or make it available for them so they can switch to this if they want to.
Users can switch to any theme they have 'available for' them via My settings > Interface
Please note: Users must have at least 2 themes available for them and must not be currently forced to see another theme.