Policy Asset Types


In Claromentis, there are several methods to get a policy onto the Intranet also known as Asset Types.

These can be especially useful when you want to use specific asset types for certain policies as they offer different attributes. The available options are as follows:

To learn more about how to create a new policy, make sure to visit our article here.

File upload

Selecting 'File upload' means choosing a file (i.e. an existing policy) from your personal computer to upload to policy manager. This option allows you to attach files, such as PDFs, Word docs, and other common file types.

You can easily upload files from your PC by (a) clicking the Choose File option...

... or (b) by simply using the drag-and-drop feature to upload the existing file:


Once uploaded, this will present front-end users with a link they can use to download a copy of the file to read and accept.

Please note: The download option here cannot be disabled. If you want to prevent users from downloading the policy, please refer to the page asset type found below.


Page type

Using the 'Page' option means the policy can be written directly into Policy Manager using the CK Editor (also used to create News and Knowledge Base articles):


From the front end, this means users will be able to read the policy directly on the page and do not require downloading anything.

Reminder: You can use the page asset type if you do not want users to download the policy (i.e. PDF). If you have an existing policy in PDF format, the content will have to copy & paste into the CK editor as this is how the files appear in Policy manager.


File from document

The 'File from Documents upload method allows you to select a policy from the Documents application of your Intranet.

If you have a document already saved on the intranet that you also need to display in the Policy Manager application, you can use the picker to select it from the appropriate folder as a quick and easy option:


Users will have the same option as when using the file upload option to download the file to read and then accept:

Please note: Even if the policy is deleted, the document you chose to upload as the policy will still exist in the Documents application.


Weblink type

Using the 'weblink' upload option means the policy isn't stored within Claromentis at all, but rather is a link to an external site that hosts the policy (i.e. government policy):


From the front end, the policy will display as such for users to follow:

Reminder: If the policy needs to be acknowledged (i.e. read & accept), users will have to check the acceptance box from within Claromentis for it to be logged in the acceptance history. Accepting a policy outside of Claromentis will not be recorded within the intranet.


All policies regardless of asset type will be searchable using the global search.
Last modified on 1 December 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 14 June 2021 by Veronica Kim

