How to upgrade from Gluster 4.1 to Gluster 7.x Archived

## Backups

Take backups (snapshots of all disks), prior to carrying out this work, as there is a risk of data loss.

## Disable access to the site

Stop httpd on both web servers:
sudo systemctl stop httpd

## Upgrade process for web 1
Su to root:

su root

Stop the services:

sudo systemctl stop glusterd

Kill any running processes:

killall glusterfs glusterfsd glusterd

Unmount the drives:

umount /mnt/gluster/gvol0

Remove any centos release gluster repos:
yum remove centos-release-gluster*

Remove glusterfs

yum remove glusterfs*

Install version 7.0 
yum install centos-release-gluster7
yum install glusterfs glusterfs-fuse glusterfs-server

Start and enable gluster 

sudo systemctl start glusterd.service
sudo systemctl enable glusterd.service

Finally, mount the drive:

sudo mount -a

## Repeat the process above for web 2

See notes int he section above

## Final checks
 Check gluster status

gluster volume status

Check version

gluster —version

Start httpd to allow access

systemctl start httpd

Check everything is working as expected by logging into Claromentis, download a file from the DMS (which require the data directory)

Last modified on 6 December 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 9 October 2020 by Will Emmerson

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