Updating menu links Archived

In this article, we cover how to update the items or links within your menu bar. This may be because a new page has been created to replace an old one or because a new drop-down item is required.

To make changes to the menu, you will need to access the 'Menu builder' application from the front end: 


If you don't see this in the Applications menu above, please access via the 'Admin' panel. If you find you do not have access to this application, you will either need to grant yourself permissions (via system admin) or ask an administrator to grant you the permissions or make the change for you. 


Once you have accessed the Menu Builder application, you will see a list of your menus, select the correct one:


Here you will see the following page, you'll need to click the second 'Edit menu items' tab:


Here you can either select 'Add menu item' or click an existing item:


For the existing item you'll just need to add the relative URL in here: 


If you wish to add a sub-menu item, you'll need to follow the steps above but make this initial click:

You may need to clear cache following this if it doesn't appear straight away. 


Last modified on 22 June 2023 by Veronica Kim
Created on 25 August 2020 by Millie Hand


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