3 ways to use your intranet as a remote onboarding tool

Just like your intranet connects your existing teams to each other, it can help you create an onboarding experience for your new staff too. Here are 3 ways to use your intranet to onboard new hires remotely.


Create a 'welcome' page

We'd always recommend creating a 'welcome' page on your intranet for new recruits, whether they're remote or not. But it's especially important right now, as it will help new starters learn the ropes, see who's who, and get to grips with company policies from home. 

claromentis welcome homepage

Build a 'welcome' page using Pages, and add components such as news, mandatory policies, and a list of who's in their team. Most importantly, make sure you include social tools - such as Discuss, thank you, and birthday widgets - to engage new hires and make them feel part of your company culture from day one.


Gamify induction trainingbadges induction

Thankfully, the days when the induction process was all paperwork and no fun are long gone!

Make the induction process more engaging by turning essential training, such as health & safety procedures and how to book vacation, into gamified e-learning courses.

Use our Quiz app to test your new hire's knowledge and keep track of their progress, and award them with intranet badges when they successfully complete their induction training.


Host a virtual meet and greetwelcome lunch

It's tradition at Claromentis to welcome our new hires with a team lunch during their first week. It gives everyone the opportunity to say 'hello' and get to know each other in a casual setting.

Whatever you usually do to greet your new staff, replicate the experience virtually via video call. You could host a digital coffee morning, a quiz on Friday afternoon, or even a video game night. Think creatively and make sure to use your intranet calendar to organise the event, and shout about it on your news feed to generate engagement.

Last modified on 6 December 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 2 July 2020 by Kerensa Johnson

