Audit log Archived

What is the 'Audit' application?

The audit tool acts as a log of the majority of site actions across users.

It maintains a historical month by month record of any actions completed on the site.


Why is this useful?


Did an action succeed or fail? 

Did an expected notification send?

Did something on the site change unexpectedly?

Did a user view/ edit/ delete something?


How many times has this article been viewed?

Who has viewed this article?


Reviewing the data

Firstly navigate to the 'Audit' application which will look as follows: 


You will then be presented with the following options: 


1- Configure Audit

This section allows you to do 3 main things 

1- Set a limit on the number of days per log

As standard, this is set at 30 days. Depending on the number of users and actions taking place on your site you may wish to keep this data into 30-day chunks. However, this will mean that each 30-day chunk is saved as 1 CSV file in the archived logs. If you wish to analyse data over a long period of time it will require the combination of several monthly audit logs. 

2- Decide which applications should be included in the log 

As standard all applications are included - if you find some are unnecessary you can untick them here. 

3- Give certain intranet actions points to encourage engagement 

Here you can see the overall options for this page:


When clicking on an application to expand it, you will see the various specifics that are recorded as part of the log:

Here you can assign a certain number of points for certain actions. When users start gathering points this will show on their user profile. For more details on configuring this - please visit the 'Configure Ranks' section of this article further down this page. 


2 - View Logs 

Here you will see the activity site for the last 30 days. You will have the following filter options:


When some filter choices have been made - simply click 'View' 



You will now see the results and can export this data to CSV if you wish to do further analysis! 


3 - View Archived Logs 

This is where all your previous audit logs are stored. They will most likely be stored in monthly CSV files (depending on the audit length configured in section 1 of this article).

You can download the archives here: 


4 - Configure Ranks

This is where you can award different titles for a different number of points, here is an example:


When a user hits one of these ranks, it will be reflected on their user profile like so: 


Please be advised: Not all Intranet actions are recorded, so if you are unsure if the action you need to look at is included, go to 'View logs' and work your way through each application filter, checking which corresponding actions it contains.

If an action you think would be useful is missing, please let us know in a support ticket



Created on 16 March 2020 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 3 April 2024


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