Expenses Admin


This guide will outline all the configurable options on the administrative side of the Expense application.

In order for Expenses to be submitted these aspects need to be set up first, otherwise there aren't any front end options for users to choose when filling out the sheet!

It is recommended to complete each section seen on the admin side with as much company specifc expenses data as required to make submitting an Expense as seamless as possible.

To follow along with this guide head to Applications > Admin > Expenses as shown below:


Permissions Admin

The first tab option on the left of the screen will be 'Permissions Admin'.

Users/roles/groups entered here will have total control over all expenses submitted, regardless of status. Think carefully about which users will have the permissions defined here.

Users in this role can: 

  • See all Expenses, even those in draft, via the 'Manage Expenses' area on the front end (only appears to administrators)
  • Move any Expense through all available statuses, including approved, processed and rejected
  • Edit an Expense sheet
  • Delete Expenses

Enter roles/groups/users into the permissions box and click 'apply permissions' to save the configuration.



Permissions Finance

The Finance Team is defined in the ‘Permissions Finance’ tab.

Users defined here receive a notification when the status of an expense sheet is changed to ‘Approved’.

Furthermore, they have permission to progress the expense sheet to ‘Processed’.

Users that require this permission could be those affiliated with your finance department or those with the responsibility to authorise Expenses.

Enter roles/groups/users into the permissions box and click 'apply permissions' to save the configuration.



Cost Codes

Cost Codes are managed in the ‘Cost Codes’ tab. Examples of which can be seen below:


To add a Cost Code, select the ‘Add a Cost Code’ option and complete the required details:

  • Code Name: Input the name of the cost code
  • Cost Code: Enter the desired code
  • Hide this Cost Code: Tick this option if you wish to hide the cost code, for example if it is no longer valid
  • Click 'Submit' to save. Alternatively, click 'Close' to discard

Once saved the cost code will now be listed under the cost code tab and available for users to select on the front end.


Clients & Projects

Clients and associated projects are managed in the ‘Clients & Projects’ tab.


To create a new client, click the 'Add a client' button then input the client name and click Submit.

It is possible to hide clients. This may be useful if the client is no longer valid. Tick the ‘Hide this Client’ checkbox if required.

To edit an existing client, click a client name and modify the details as required.


To delete an existing client, click the ‘Delete’ icon in the far right column and click OK to confirm.

It is not possible to delete clients, which are in use (have been selected within an expense sheet in the front end)


Projects can be created after the creation of the client.

To create a new project, click the number under the ‘No of Projects’ column.


On the next sceen click the 'Add a project' button...


...then complete the details as required:


  • Project Name: Input the name of the project
  • Project Manager: Select the project manager from the user picker field
  • Substitute Project Manager: Select the substitute project manager from the user picker field
  • Hide this Project: This checkbox is applicable if you wish to hide an existing project
  • Click 'Submit' to save. Alternatively, click 'Close' to discard


To edit an existing project, click the project name and modify the details as required.



To delete an existing project, click the ‘Delete’ icon in the far right column and click OK to confirm.

It is not possible to delete projects, which are in use (have been selected within an expense sheet in the front end)



Departments are managed in the ‘Department' tab.

It is possible to define which expense types are applicable to each.

To create a new department, click 'Add New'


Complete the details as required:

  • Name: Input the department name
  • Expense Type: Select the applicable expense types
  • Main Budget Holder: Select the main budget holder from the user picker field
  • Substitute Budget Holder: Select the substitute budget holder from the user picker field
  • Hide this Department: This checkbox is applicable if you wish to hide an existing department
  • Click 'Submit' to save. Alternatively, click 'Close' to discard

Please note: The main and substitute budget holders will have permissions to run expense item reports. They will see the icons (shown below) giving access to managerial areas for expenses submitted for their department as well as access to reports that can be run on those expenses. Users outside of these positions will not see these icons.


To edit an existing department, click the Department name under the ‘DEPT’ column.

Modify the details as required:


To delete an existing department, click the ‘Delete’ icon in the far right column and click OK to confirm.

It is not possible to delete departments, which are in use (have been selected within an expense sheet in the front end)


Expense Types

Expense types are managed in the ‘Expense Types’ tab.


To create a new expense type click the 'add new expense type' button, completing the details as required:

  • Type of Expense: Insert the name of the expense type
  • Use in Project Cost: Tick the checkbox if applicable
  • Hide this Expense Type: This checkbox is applicable if you wish to hide an existing expense type
  • Click Submit. Alternatively, click Close to discard

To edit an existing expense type, click its title in the ‘Type of Expense’ column and modify the details as required.


To delete an existing expense type, click the ‘Delete’ icon in the far right column and click OK to confirm.

It is not possible to delete expense types, which are in use (have been selected within an expense sheet in the front end)


Office Locations

Locations are managed in the ‘Locations’ tab. To create a new location, click the ‘Add New Office Location’ button.


Input the relevant name, and click 'Submit'.


To edit an existing location, click the location name under the ‘Location Name’ column and rename as required. Click 'Submit'. Alternatively, click 'Close' to discard changes.


To delete an existing location, click the ‘Delete’ icon in the far right column and click OK to confirm.

It is not possible to delete locations, which are in use (have been selected within an expense sheet in the front end)



Currency types are managed in the ‘Settings’ tab.

Input the required currency and associated symbol and click Submit.


Selected currencies on the admin side will appear on the front end for a user to choose from when submitting a new expense.



A disclaimer can be configured to inform users that there are certain conditions that need to be met in order for their expense to be approved, for example, they may need to provide receipts for each expense.

Enter the desired text into the WYSIWYG editor, and click Submit:


How this appears on the front end when users are submitting an Expense:


Created on 2 December 2019 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 30 November 2023

