What is Audit Manager? Archived

Included in this article:

1 - How does it work - The back-end:

2 - Adding and editing clauses

3 - Adding and editing question sets 

What is Audit Manager?

Each year organisations can optionally choose to be compliant with various standards.

Being compliant with certain standards is beneficial for a number of reasons, but overall it helps prove your commitment to ensuring that the organisation is aware of, and takes steps to comply with relevant laws, policies, and regulations.

To measure compliance organisations are required to meet a set of criteria or clauses.

An independent judicator comes to assess (audit) whether you have met the standards outlined in the clauses. To prepare for this, it's best practice to create question sets per clause, these questions test your compliance and are created and defined by the organisation itself.

The purpose of the Audit Manager application is to house and structure your standards in a logical and convenient way to ensure thorough completion and tracking. You can log all clauses and question sets, assign tasks to users and monitor whether you are on track for the agreed date of your Audit.

Claromentis' front end is an accepted and well-received way to present the results of your audit to external judicators.

1 - How does it work: The back-end

Begin building your audit on the admin side by going to Applications > Admin > Audit Manager. 

Here is a summary of the admin section, it's best to work your way up from the bottom:


2 - Adding and editing clauses

Clauses are the numbered points within the standard document itself. There can be many of these in each standard. Every single one needs to be entered here, you can do so manually or use the import from CSV option.  

Here is an example of how they might be categorised, you can see that headings are also used to help add structure to the clauses, as there will be so many, this is purely aesthetic: 

You can see that each clause is tied to its 'Standard' in this case it's ISO 14001. The reason this is here is that you list every clause from every different type of standard here. You can see at the top you can filter to list just the clauses you would like to see per standard. This page will likely get very full. 


3 - Adding and editing question sets 

It is up to you how you structure this part of the tool.

In the example below, the question sets will be defined per the overarching heading for the section of clauses. This means each clause doesn't have to be repeated here, only the headings for that section.

We have also listed the name of the specific standard in the name to help with organising the structure.

Within the example below, will be listed all the questions related to the clauses with the section heading of '4 - Context'.


When you click through this question set you will see example questions have been paired with their relevant clause.

As mentioned earlier, the individual organisation will develop the questions that support each clause. 


Once you have added all the relevant questions per section (or however you choose to structure this part) you can move on to the front end of the application.

This part of the process is explained in this article here.


Created on 25 November 2019 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 16 April 2024

