How to configure and search for archived tickets in InfoCapture


In InfoCapture you can set an 'archiving age' for one (or more if appropriate) status(es) in your form.

This means after a certain duration of days the tickets will be pushed to 'archived' automatically and they won't appear in the ticket list from the front end.

Tickets are still accessible in your system via advanced search or by ticket reference number and once archived the ticket cannot be reverted back.

This guide will outline how to set this up as well as how to search for archived tickets.

⚠️ We use this archiving process here on Discover for our support, upgrade and change request ticket projects

If you are ever concerned you cannot see a previous ticket you submitted it has likely been archived

See the section below for methods to access these


Configure archiving age 

From the admin side of your form head to the 'statuses' tab.

Here you will see whether an archiving age has already been set per status or not.

In my example the 'asset register' form I am looking at does not have any set for any status, Image 1 below.

Image 1


I can change this by clicking on the pencil icon to the right and adding a number into the archiving age field given in the pop-up, Image 2.

You can select an appropriate day duration that best fits your form and company processes.

Once a ticket has not been interacted with beyond this set duration it will archive automatically.

You can edit the archive age of a status in this way at any time (remember to click the 'save' button to apply!)

Please note: The system cannot retroactively apply an archiving age to tickets. Once the age has been set tickets will only begin to archive once this duration has passed regardless of the date the ticket itself was submitted. Once a ticket has become 'archived' it cannot be changed back to a 'live' ticket but can still be interacted with.

Image 2

Which status(es) should be archived?

Depending on the nature of your form you should apply an 'archiving age' to statuses that generally mean the enquiry has been completed and now could be earmarked as closed.

You may even have statuses already called 'completed or 'closed' which being literal will be easy to spot and add an archiving age to. However, any status that generally falls in with this logic will be appropriate to attribute an archiving age to.

For example, the status of a 'new' ticket being submitted likely won't need an archiving age as you wish ticket handlers to interact with them. Whereas a status of 'application approved' has likely reached the end of the project workflow required and has a conclusive outcome. Therefore an archiving age would make sense to be applied to it.

In my 'asset register' project example the three statuses shown in Image 3 make the most logical sense to be archived after a certain time as no further action is going to be taken on the tickets.

Take a look at the statuses in your project and try to group them by 'in progress' and 'closed/completed'. Then apply an archiving age to all statuses that are in the latter group. Once archived these tickets free up space in the 'list of tickets' from the front end for the new submissions. 


Searching for an Archived ticket

Once archiving age has been attributed to a status and the duration passes, tickets will auto archive and not be shown in the 'list of tickets' from the front end.

Instead, you will need to:

1. Perform a search of the ticket reference number from the front end, returning the ticket with an 'archived' label evident



2. Use the advanced search function to 'include archived tickets'

(The checkbox to 'include archived tickets' appears when at least one status has been given an archiving age)


Created on 11 November 2019 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 13 December 2023

