Remember Log-in on Mobile

When a user is logging in via the mobile app,  Keep me logged in is checked by default,
meaning next time the user is opening the app they don't need to log-in.

This log-in is persistent even after the user is restarting the phone or force exit the app.

Only when this following situation they will be forced to re-login

1. user manually logs out from the system

2. user deleted the app then re-installs the app

3. user account is blocked/deleted from the server

4. autologon_cookie table is flushed/truncated.

5. The login cookie is expired after 2 years, set in  GetCookieExpireTime



Username and password aren't remembered when logging in on mobile when switching network or changing from wifi to 3G.


Claromentis configuration that limits session ID to the IP address is set to 'true' meaning when the user's IP is changed their session will no longer be remembered.  (it is set to false by default from Claromentis 8.8+)




Last modified on 6 December 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 23 October 2019 by Michael Christian

