Recalculating holiday statistics

Relevant for 8+ 

Included in this article

  1. About holiday planner user statistics
  2. How to recalculate user statistics


1. About holiday planner user statistics

Within the holiday planner, there is a tool that allows the administrators to recalculate the holiday statistics for users of the intranet. This tool can be useful in re-jogging the system after changes to a user's holiday to ensure that their holiday statistics are correct.

Holiday statistics are found here, if the numbers seem incorrect it's a good idea to recalculate them:


2- How to recalculate user statistics

Holiday planner administrators have access to this feature.

If you do not have these permissions you can contact a user who does.

These can be found by clicking on Applications > Admin > Holiday Planner > Pressing the key in the corner:


If you have permissions you will need to navigate to Admin > Holiday planner and select 'Recalculate user statistics'


It is recommended to recalculate the user statistics for each year on either side of the current year.

This ensures any annual carryover days are included in the recalculation and any holidays for the following year are correctly allocated.

You will need to enter the user's name here in the box and recalculate for the current year, previous year and next year. This should correct any miscalculations in that particular user's statistics.

For more articles on holiday planner see here


Created on 30 September 2019 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 30 November 2023

