Creating Rooms and Equipment

Article related to version 8.7+


This article describes the functionality of the 'Room booking' application. This feature allows users to add rooms and equipment in various office locations which can be booked out using the calendar tool by users. 


Included in this article

  1. How do permissions work for room and equipment booking
  2. How to create a room
  3. How to create equipment

1. How do permissions work for room and equipment booking

Only users with admin permissions have the ability to create rooms and equipment.

To grant access navigate to Applications > Admin > System Admin > Administrators

Next select 'Room booking' from this list. Here it will show all users who are administrators.

2. How to create a room

Navigate to Applications > Admin > Room booking

When on this page, select '+ Add New Room'

Here you can fill out the following information:

You can assign a specific person as approver for that room if necessary.

If you want to add another location with rooms simply select 'Manage Locations' on the left. Here you can add other offices you may have in the same country or in other countries. Then when you create a new room you simply assign it to the correct location.

As administrator, you also can 'Manage bookings' on behalf of other users, so amending the bookings or deleting them.

3. How to create equipment

Navigate to Applications > Admin > Room booking > The lower section of this page is for equipment booking. Select '+ New Equipment'

For the purposes of this example, a Camera has been used, this is portable and not restricted to one room. It is still convenient to be able to book and track this item.

You can see it has now been created:

For information on booking rooms and equipment, please use this article

Created on 5 July 2019 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 6 December 2023

