System Time, Date and Location

Article related to version 8.7+

This article will guide you through the following key areas:

  1. How to set or change the default date, time and location of the site
  2. How to create different timezones for users located in other areas across the world
  3. How users from those timezones can select the right zone for them
  4. How users can temporarily change their timezone for work trips or travel

Set or change the default date, time and location of the site

Please note: Only those with System Administrator permissions can access this tile. Learn how to manage these permissions using the Sysadmin article


1. Navigate to Applications > Admin.


2. Select System to access the system panel. 


3. On the left-hand menu, you should see a link to Date and Time.

There you have two options - (1) Change timezones and (2) Change the format or configuration of the date and time.



Timezones configuration

Here you will have the default timezone - which is best set to wherever the majority of the users are based.


1. Click Change Settings.


2. You have the option to amend the default time zone setting by selecting Change...

This change will automatically update the default date and time that new users to the site will get as standard. Everyone who still has the 'default' time setting selected in their personal profile will also see the change. 

Please note: UTC time stands for Coordinated Universal Time and is the primary standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. This cannot be changed.



Date & Time Configuration

In this area, it is possible to change the format of the date and time as it will appear across the Intranet.

The panel shows how the date and time will display when different configurations are used in applications.


1. Click Change formats to alter how each will appear.


2. You have the options to alter the following date formats.

12-hour or 24-hour formats are available for all-time information, so you can customise each to display in the format that is appropriate for your end-users.

The date format can also be changed to reflect the month first, rather than the day.



Create different timezones for users located in other areas across the world

If you have users based all over the world, you can add each timezone. Adding time zones enables users to choose them in their profile settings.


1. Head to the Default time zone area.


2. Enter the Location name and select the time zone you wish to add.

💡 Tip: Simply type the label for this timezone, you could use just the main city name for example 'London' or it could be a bit more specific like the names of various offices or teams.


3. Click Update selected.


You can see below 3 new timezones have been added; London, Seoul, and New York.

These will be displayed as a predefined location in 'My Settings' for users to select from.



Select individual time zone

Now that these three predefined locations have been added, users will have the option to choose from them.


1. Head to My Settings by clicking on your profile image on the navigation bar.


2. Head to the Location & timezone area.


3. Select the location from the pre-defined locations that are listed.

If a key timezone is missing, users should request for it to be added through their administrators or they can temporarily change their location and timezone which is explained in the next section.



Temporarily change time zone for work trips or travel

The site does not auto-update based on the location it requires being changed.


1. Navigate to My settings > Location & timezone.


2. Use the drop-down and select the Traveling option. This unlocks the timezone drop-down and means users can manually select the timezone they are located in.


Last modified on 6 December 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 26 July 2023 by Veronica Kim

