Audit Manager overview Archived

This article will outline what audit manager can be used for an outline the steps needed to complete the logging of your audit. Including creating setting up question types, question sets, clauses and permissions. 

When your organisation is trying to adhere to a compliance standard and undergo continuous improvement you are able to input the compliance causes and then question sets that can relate to these. 


To start using the Audit Manager it is best to go to the admin side of the application. Admin>Audit Manager. It is then best to work your way up through from the configuration option. If you look at the Misc options first this will let you choose the start month for the audit, this is helpful as you might wish this to start in January, or potentially at the beginning of the financial year in April. 


You can next select the question types that can help relate to different areas which should help with separating out questions and clauses.


Following this the next item up is permissions, from this tab you are able to choose which users have permissions to add audits from the front end and run reports. 

Once the configuration has been set correctly you are able to move onto the clauses and question sets. 


To start this process you will first need to add your compliance clauses. Go back to Admin>Audit Manager and then select Edit Clauses. From here you will be presented with the below screen. 


You will then need to click the Add new clause button which will allow you to add a new clause. You will need to put in the 

- Heading (Title of the clause)

- Type (Selected from the question types you previously added)

- Clause Number

- Standard (The compliance standard you are using eg ISO9001)


You are also able to input these clauses as a CSV rather than adding one by one. Once you have added the various necessary clauses you can then move on to the question sets. 

You can select the option to add a new question set where you will be asked to add in a question set name and select one of your existing question set types. You as the create will automatically be added however if you are adding the question set on behalf of another user you will be able to change this here. 

Once the question set has been added you will be taken into it. From here you are able to add Headings to different lists of questions as well as the questions themselves. These can be Main heading, subheading and questions. When adding the questions in you will be able to link these back to specific clauses, should you wish. 

Once you have set up your clauses and question sets you are able to move to the front end of the application to implement these. 

This is laid out with a calendar view to help with auditing so you can clearly see what tasks are at different stages each month. 


From here you can add a new audit buy clicking the green button in the right top hand corner. 

Upon selecting this you can choose to create a new one or copy from an existing one (This is useful if you have to adhere to the same standard annually.)

Step one in adding a new audit is listed below. 

Following this you will then be able to add any of your pre-created question sets to this and then create the audit. 

Once your audit is created you will then the the audit over view page as shown below. 

Where you will be able to change the stage of the audit, see the different question sets and any attached notes or history. 

The relevant users will then be able to review the audit, once it had been moved to the inprogress stage, you will then see tabs for responses and actions. which will be linked to questions within your question sets. 

You will then be able to move this to the distributed and closed status.

Last modified on 13 September 2021 by Veronica Kim
Created on 11 February 2019 by Mhairi Hutton

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