Weather Component

Help! Claromentis Weather Component has stopped working.

If you have weather component on the homepage or any other page you may have noticed that it may stop working. Prior Claromentis version 8.6, we are using Yahoo API to provide weather data, Yahoo has decided to retire their weather API on 3rd January 2019

Here is the announcement at Yahoo.

Important EOL Notice: As of Thursday, Jan. 3, 2019, the and for Yahoo Weather API will be retired. 

Alternative Solution

If you wish to have a weather widget on the homepage and currently not considering upgrade to latest Claromentis, you can create own widget at the site below and embed them on your page using Embed Component.

There is no cost for this service.

Here is an example:


Weather Component (8.6+)

In Claromentis 8.6 (Weather component version 4.0) We have replaced Yahoo API with Dark Sky API.

Dark Sky has joined Apple. You can read more here:

The self-service API for existing customers is not changing today, but we will no longer accept new signups. The API will continue to function through the end of 2021.

Use of the API service is subject to the updated Dark Sky Terms and Conditions, including the Apple Privacy Policy ("Terms"). By continuing to use the API service, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms.
If you have any questions, please contact us at - The Dark Sky Team


Weather Component (8.11+)

We have now introduced a new API powered by OpenWeather. please contact our support team to help with setup.


Last modified on 1 December 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 7 January 2019 by Michael Christian

