Purchasing premium SSL Archived

Premium SSL purchase 


The work is to complete the purchase of SSL Pro certificate


  1. Client to provide required information:

Organisation Details:

- Legal Name

- Assumed Name (optional)

- Organisation Phone Number

- Country

- First line of address

- Second line of address (optional)

- City

- State/Province/Region/County (optional)

- Zip / Postal Code (optional)


Validation Contact:

- First Name

- Last Name

- Job Title (optional)

- Email

- Phone Number

- Phone Extension (optional)


SSL Certificate:

- Country (two-digit code [e.g., US or GB])

- State/County/Region (full names [e.g., California or Barcelona])

- Locality/City (The city where the main organisation office is based [e.g., Brighton or New York])

- Organisation Name (full legal company or personal name as registered in your locality including any suffixes such as LTD, CORP etc. [e.g., Claromentis Ltd])

- Organisational Unit (department in your organization the certificate is for [e.g., IT or Marketing])

- Common name (the full FQDN, e.g. intranet.yourcompany.com)



  1. Claromentis - submit the information to Digicert for validation purposes.

  2. Claromentis - domain registration. The domain will be assigned to the organisation, information for which is provided in step 1.

  3. Client to confirm their preferred method of validation: https://www.digicert.com/certcentral-support/dcv-methods.htm

  4. Claromentis - place the order for the Extended Validation SSL certificate and provide the order number and Digicert contact details to the client.

  5. Validation step. Client to contact the Digicert directly with the order number to complete the validation.

  6. Once validated, the order is complete and certificate is ready for the installation


Steps 2 - 5: 1 hour; overall work package lead time between 1 and 5 working days


Client availability to respond to Digicert and Claromentis

Inaccurate information provided in step 1 will increase the overall lead time of the certificate purchase

Acceptance criteria:

Completed order, confirmed by Digicert



Resources required:

Support, PM

Last modified on 22 February 2021 by Mike Leggatt
Created on 25 July 2018 by Stas Dreiling

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