Load-balanced OnPremise Server Install

Load-balanced OnPremise Server Install 


The work is to set up a client-hosted environment across one or more web servers, which can be accessed to by local users. Load-balanced is implemented via IIS request routing and DFS replication. 


Filled out Server Access Details form: https://discover.claromentis.com/forms/access 

"Pre-flight” checks completed 3 days prior to install 

Technical call is taken place to cover load balanced structure prior to "Pre-flight" checks 

- During this technical call the client will need to be informed that firewall rules need to be in place between each web server and the ARR Load Balancer (If Claromentis are configuring this) to ensure HTTP & HTTPS traffic can be served

- Domain Admin privileges will need to be granted for Claromentis to be able to complete DFS file replication. If this is unavailable the client will need to complete this on our behalf using our guide.



Best case: 7 hrs (2 web-server, Load Balancer and replication provisioned by client ) 

Usual case: 10 hrs (2 web-server, Load Balancer and replication configured by Claro) 

Worst case: 14 hrs (custom config) 


Remote connection type and speed 

Availability of on premise client support 

Acceptance criteria: 

Local users can access the Intranet via the Load Balancer. 

Completed Server Install acceptance criteria 



Resources required: 

PM, Support Engineer 

Last modified on 12 January 2021 by Mike Leggatt
Created on 25 May 2018 by Stas Dreiling

