People: Moving a Profile Field


This user guide is for anyone on Claromentis 8.2+ 



This video aims to show how a newly created or existing field can be moved from its current location. Newly created fields that are added to a profile viewing area will always default to the bottom. This video will how you can move this accordingly to keep your profile fields well presented.



1. If you wish to adjust a field's positioning or remove it entirely from a profile area, select the relevant area underneath the Change field list and order for heading in the Configure user profile fields area.

2. Selecting any of these options will allow you to see a list of all the added fields in this location. You can move these by simply dragging and dropping them to the preferred area in the order. You can also remove a field from this viewing area by selecting the hide button on the right-hand side.

3. You can also disable if this field will be editable regardless of permissions by unselecting the editable check box.

Last modified on 1 December 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 1 February 2018 by Michael Hassman

