Password Policy


This user guide is for anyone on Claromentis 8.2+ 


This video aims to show the password policy on the admin side of the People application defining password reset dates and strength


Password Policy

Navigate to Admin > People > Password policy

This area will allow you to configure certain settings for users' passwords.


Default password policy options

  • Minimum password length: Set minimum password length to at least a value of 8
  • Require strong password: Enable the option to require a strong password (i.e. at least one upper case letter, a numeric and a special character)
  • Maximum password age: Set the number of days that a password must be used before the user can change it


Accounts lockout

  • The number of attempts allowed: Set number of attempts allowed until the account is locked out
  • The length (minutes) users are locked out: Set the period of time (in minutes) are locked out before users can try login again

Please note: If using Active Directory or SSO, the Password policy area is not needed.


Last modified on 1 December 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 1 February 2018 by Michael Hassman

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