People: Skill Search


This user guide is for anyone on Claromentis 8.2+ 



This video showcases the Skill Search feature available in the people application. Enabling users to reach out to other staff members based on certain expertise or endorsements.


1. The skill search button will grant access to the skill search area of People.

2. Skill can either be searched by endorsements or expertise

3. Endorsements are promotions of another user's skill you can endorse a user by clicking on their profile. When searching via expertise it will give you a list of how many people have endorsed a user on said skill.

4. Expertises are self-promotion and can be done by accessing your own profile. Expertise skill levels range from basic to excellent which is listed when searching for a skill via expertise.

Last modified on 1 December 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 1 February 2018 by Michael Hassman

