Event management



Event planning involves managing a project such as a conference, convention, tradeshow, ceremony, party, etc. Management of such an event may include budgeting, establishing timelines, selecting and reserving event sites, acquiring permits, planning food, coordinating transportation, arranging activities, selecting speakers and keynotes, hiring equipment and facilities, managing risk and evaluating the success of an event.

This form allows users to log event details and requirements.

Please bear in mind that this form alone does not compare to a full event management process. It simply acts as a demonstration of an online form, allowing event planners to log event details and requirements. With additional work, this process could be enhanced to include budgeting, reservations, invitations, risk management, event success, etc.


Additional features

Field visibility sets: There are over a dozen different rules in place on this form, to keep it as uncluttered as possible.

For example, if the submitting user selects that the venue's capacity is limited, we will see a 'max number of guests' field reveal itself.

One such field visibility set. The field 'max number of guests' is set to hide (Deny view) all the time (also known as 'Default [Always]')

But once the field condition set "Capacity = Limited" is met, which means once the user has selected the relevant field to show that capacity is limited, the 'max number of guests' field sets itself to show (Allow view)


Created on 31 January 2018 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 11 August 2023

