Return to work




For every period of absence, a return to work interview should be conducted. The meeting is to enable the member of staff to share concerns about their illness and general state of health in relation to their job. It is essential in monitoring absence accurately and in reinforcing the message that the company cares about members of staff and their sickness absence.

The degree of formality and length of the interview will depend on the circumstances. If the member of staff is rarely on sick leave the meeting will be brief. However, should the member of staff be returning to work after a succession of frequent intermittent absences or after a long-term absence, the interview should be much more structured.

The purpose of the return to work interview is to:

  • See how the member of staff is
  • Establish the cause of absence

Using this form, managers are able to conduct and record interviews with returning employees. On submission, the form will be auto-assigned to the employee selected, who will then be required to review and sign the form. Subsequently, the line manager will be required to sign the form.


Additional features

Field visibility sets: When editing the project, head to Field Permissions to see a number of different useful rulesets in place.

For example, if there have been multiple doctor visits, new fields will appear to log these dates. Or if medication is now being used, a field will appear to take note of how it affects the employee.

An example of one of several visibility sets.

Custom messages: Phrases such as 'View Ticket' have been changed to 'View Return to work form', seen in the Custom Messages screen.

Edit the form and head to the Custom Messages tab to see the full list.


Created on 31 January 2018 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 30 November 2023

