Infocapture: Character limits in string and text fields

  • Short String Field: 255 characters (with spaces)

  • Medium String Field: 255 characters (with spaces)

  • Long String Field: 255 characters (with spaces)

  • Short Text Field: 16,777,215 characters (with spaces)

  • Medium Text Field: 16,777,215 characters (with spaces)

  • Long Text Field: 16,777,215 characters (with spaces)


Whilst it is technically possible to store 16m characters in a MySQL database, it is unlikely that a user's computer would handle this amount.

It would be dependent on factors such as operating system, memory, processor and browser. The expected maximum is in the region of 500k characters.

Created on 26 February 2013 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 30 November 2023

