Bulk Import and Update Issues via CSV in InfoCapture Endorsed


It's possible to bulk import issues into an InfoCapture project. This is useful when existing data is elsewhere and it's wished to move it to InfoCapture.

Ticket information can also be updated in bulk using a CSV.

If multiple issues need to be updated with the same information, it is more efficient to update them in bulk. This is also useful for assigning multiple issues to a particular handler or changing the status for multiple issues.


Bulk Import

Download Template

To bulk import issues first download a template to populate issues with.

- Go to InfoCapture Admin > select the relevant project > click 'Export & Import from CSV' > 'Bulk Import' tab.

- Underneath "Step 1 - Download and populate template", click "Download Template". This will download a .csv with column headers, which will correspond to fields within the project form, as well as details such as reporter, handler, and date of submission. Each row of information you enter into the CSV will create a new issue within the project once the file is uploaded.

- Complete the details as required on your local PC, bearing in mind the appropriate values for that field type (for example, a "radio" field type will need to contain an ID number rather than text - check the "Field Properties" tab within the InfoCapture form to confirm).

Below is a table of the expected values based on field type:

Field Type Expected Value in CSV Notes
String Plain text  
Text Plain text  
Checkbox (Single) 0, 1  
Checkbox (Multiple) Numerical IDs of values Comma separated list
Radio Numerical ID of value  
Select (Single) Numerical ID of value  
Select (Multiple) Numerical IDs of values Comma separated list
Date (Calendar Picker) YYYYMMDD  
Date (3 Drop Downs) YYYYMMDD  
Label Cannot be imported  
Notice Cannot be imported  
Users list (Single) User ID  
Users list (Multiple) User IDs Comma separated list
Document (link to a file which already exists in the Claromentis DMS) Document ID  
File upload Cannot be imported  
HTML Plain text  
Group Group IDs Comma separated list
Role Role IDs Comma separated list
Signature Pad Cannot be imported The signature pad is securely time-stamped and cannot be imported back.
Financial Numerical value Financial value assumes there are two decimal places without a dot or comma separation or any currency symbols. For example, to enter the value of 150.50 this must be entered as 15050.
creator-user-id User ID If unspecified, the submitter will be 'Guest'.
handler-user-id User ID If specified, ASSIGNED TO field must be enabled in Project Properties and the relevant user must have ‘Handle issues’ rights If unspecified, the issue will be unassigned.
status-code Status code If unspecified, the status will display ‘Current status’
date-of-report YYYYMMDDHHMMSS  


Importing Issues

Back in the InfoCapture Admin panel, select the 'Bulk Import' tab, and upload the CSV you have populated previously.

Click 'Import', and the system will start applying the data to your InfoCapture project, a summary of the imported issues will appear as well.

The tickets newly added should be evident when you check your project's ticket list.


Bulk Update

To bulk update issues that already exist in an InfoCapture project, the process is similar to bulk importing.

Download Data

- To amend and update multiple existing issues, download the existing data by going to InfoCapture Admin > select the relevant project > click 'Export & Import from CSV' > 'Bulk Update' tab.

- Underneath 'Download and modify CSV data', click 'Export all data to CSV'.

- Change the required details in the downloaded CSV. Ensure that the 'id' and 'id_in_project' columns are not amended, as these are unique identifiers and should be left as they are.

Updating Issues

Back in the InfoCapture Admin panel, select the "Bulk Update" tab, and upload the updated CSV. Click "Update", and a summary of the updated issues will appear below.



The most common issue with imports is the invalid format, this is mostly caused by incompatibility with character encoding or automatic data interpretation which is often caused by opening CSV files directly in applications such as Microsoft Excel.

Claromentis uses UTF-8 character encoding and there are few tips you can follow when working with CSV files following a short video below and check out the article below.

Working with CSV File


Check out our video of an import being run:


Created on 14 December 2015 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 21 December 2023

