Intranet Launch Ideas

Intranet Launch Ideas

Whether it’s a large-scale launch or an internal email advising your team of a go-live date; an intranet’s launch plays a significant part in its overall success. Without this, employees may not fully utilize their intranet as they won’t recognize its value.

An intranet launch can take many forms but the most important thing to remember is that your launch should be right for your company. Feedback from your colleagues can be particularly helpful in the run-up to the launch as important questions are highlighted and can be addressed during your launch activities.



Presentations are an effective method of gathering your team and communicating new initiatives. It is a good idea to include the individuals or teams that have spearheaded the project as this will help to project their passion and enthusiasm to other employees.



This is another effective communication method whereby a range of videos can be produced to emphasize key initiatives and messages. Try to keep them short and to the point.

Example short intranet launch video 


Management Endorsement

Endorsement and support from the management team will help promote the intranet as a valuable asset and this will ultimately drive usage. This support and endorsement can be portrayed in many ways such as a blog post, email or presentation. Their active involvement in the project will similarly have a positive effect.


Light (fun) Training Sessions

These short sessions are a great way to showcase some of the useful tools and functionality on offer. If you have time, try to make it department-specific as it will help employees associate their daily tasks and activities to that of the functionality offered on their intranet. Take this opportunity to encourage users to fill in their intranet profiles too!


Internal Communications and Marketing Teams

Integrating messages and updates concerning the intranet in all aspects of employee communications will contribute greatly to your promotional plan.


Starter Kits

The aim of a starter kit is to provide informative advice on getting started. It may also contain FAQs, step-by-step guides and a brief overview of the intranet functionality on offer. Trying to foster an atmosphere of excitement can be difficult, it is therefore important that you provide as much practical advice as possible.


Competitions and Prizes

You don’t need a large budget for this and it will help to build interest amongst employees. Popular competitions which tend to get everyone involved are ‘Name the Intranet’ and ‘Treasure Hunts’.


Take a Break

Schedule a 30-minute break for all employees to explore and navigate through their new intranet. Collating feedback and answering questions at this stage is very important as it will help with the next phase of your intranet project and increase user adoption.

For more information, please download our latest Intranet Launch Checklist


Created on 18 March 2015 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 6 December 2023

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