Searching the staff list by name only Archived

Access to the configuration file is required, please read guidelines here.

Searching the staff list by a keyword, returns all users whose profile contains it, whether it be within their name, the name of their manager, their address, their interests, the name of a Group or Role they belong to.

In some cases, you may wish to restrict this. For example, if you are looking for a user called "Michael" and 30 users had their manager set as "Michael", all 30 users would be returned, making it difficult to find the user you are actually trying to locate.

If you would prefer that the staff list was only searchable by name (first name and surname), look for the following lines of code in the configuration file and change the variable value to true:

// Search people by name only (in contrast to searching by all metadata as well)
$cfg_people_search_by_full_name_only = false;
Last modified on 3 April 2019 by Mhairi Hutton
Created on 20 February 2013 by deleted user

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