Infocapture Glossary

Infocapture Glossary

The standard URL to access the front end of an Infocapture project is http://yourdomain/intranet/infocapture/project.php?project_id=X
A codename can be defined to simplify the URL. For example, if the codename were defined as “tickets”, the URL would become

Automatic field changes

Also known as Dynamic Changes. Automatic changes to the value of a field based on certain rules (triggers). For example, you may wish to automatically set the status to 'Complete' when a checkbox within the form is ticked. Similarly, you may wish to automatically display different lines of text, based on which option is chosen in a select field.

Field condition sets

Also known as Field Conditions. Field condition sets are rules. These are the conditions under which an action should occur. For example: 'Checkbox = Ticked' or 'Status = Pending'. Field condition sets are used to control field permissions, project workflow and SLA’s.

Field permissions

Also known as Field Visibility. Field permissions are used to control the visibility of individual fields based on certain conditions.


If statuses are used within a project, users will see a 'Flowchart' tab when viewing an issue. The flowchart shows a graphical representation of the current workflow. Bear in mind that the statuses available may vary between users, depending on project workflow rules defined. 


The term form refers to the actual e-form which will be completed and submitted by the submitter.


When an issue is assigned to a user, that user becomes the handler or ticket handler.


Also known as a Ticket. The term issue refers to the data submitted by the submitter. When a form is submitted, it becomes an issue.

Issues ID prefix

Each issue is assigned a unique ID. These IDs are assigned to issues in sequential order according to submission. This is across all projects. Therefore, the first, second and third issue submitted within a particular project, won’t necessarily be sequential. For example, within one project, the first, second and third issue submitted might be ID 00001, ID 00107, ID 00033, due to other issues being submitted within a different project, between those ones. Defining an ID prefix will retain chronology within one project. For example, the first, second and third issue submitted would be PREFIX00001, PREFIX 00002, PREFIX 00003.

Notifications Notifications are emails, which are sent based on certain rules (triggers). Notifications can be sent to project roles, the submitter, the handler, a specific email address, or a field within the form.

Permalink allows users to create direct URLs to pre-filtered lists of tickets.

Plugin Infocapture plugins are custom PHP files, which extend the standard functionality available within the application. Plugins are essentially add-ons, allowing you to do almost anything with the data collected and managed by Infocapture. For examples of what plugins can do, please see here.


The term project refers to the business process as a whole.

Project roles Project roles are the collections of users who have the same level of rights across a project

Project workflow

Project workflow is used to restrict options in a select field (most commonly, the status field). This allows the configuration of stricter processes, forcing users to follow an established workflow.


SLA's (Service Level Agreements) act as timers, which record the progress of each issue, against the agreed service levels of the workflow. SLA's can be used to trigger other actions, e.g. reminder notifications.


When a user has submitted a ticket, they become the reporter (of that issue).


Triggers are similar to field condition sets in that they are denoting conditions under which something should behave in a specific way. The difference is that triggers may be transitional states. Triggers are used to control dynamic field changes and notifications. For more information, please see here.



Created on 26 January 2015 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 30 November 2023

