This guide will cover how to create different channels to help organise your Blogs and help users find the information they want.
Adding a channel
1. Navigate to Applications > Blog > Settings.
2. Edit any existing channels or create a new channel by clicking on + Add new channel.
3. Enter the following information:
- Name: The name that will appear in the Blog application.
- Blog Type: The option to choose whether this blog channel will be for more personal content or communal (i.e. business) purposes.
As per permissions, you can check any of the necessary boxes:
- View: Users will be able to view and comment on articles.
- Add and Edit: Users will be able to add new posts as well as edit their own content.
- Publish: Users will be able to publish articles they create outright.
- Approve: Users can edit other users' submitted draft posts, approving them to make them live or rejecting them for further edits.
Any user with only 'View' and 'Add & Edit' rights can only submit content as a draft and NOT make this live. Then users with the 'approve others' permission can push the content to publish.
4. Once the permissions have been set, click Save and you will be able to see your newly created channel.