How to add a day type in Holiday Planner


Within the Holiday Planner application, you are able to add and edit day types. This allows you to configure what requests users can make.


Adding a Day

You will need to go to:

Admin Holidays

From here you will be presented with 'Day types'. You will need to select 'Add day' in the top right-hand corner.

You will then be able to create the day type, and also assign it a colour.

Day type name: The name of this type of day (e.g. sickness/ holiday /remote working). 

Day character: The character that will represent this day in the calendar (e.g. sickness would be 'S'). 

Quota change: Should this day take from the users holiday allowance total ('Remote working' should not but 'Holiday' should).

Approval required: Users may be able to book 'Remote working' without approval, but 'Unpaid leave' may require approval.

Half days allowed: If users can book a half-day, no other day types can be booked over that day. 

Can be set on working day: It makes sense for holidays to only be counted when booked over working days. 

Can be set on non-working day: If you have a day type called 'Weekend overtime' for example, this will need to be checked.

User comment mandatory: Should the user need to give a reason for booking the day type?


How to edit an existing day

This again is done through the Admin panel. You will need to start by clicking on the day you wish to change. This will bring up a similar pop-up window.

For example, if you want to change 'Holiday' you will need to click on the text.

Once the changes have been completed you will need to select 'Save'. 


How to delete or hide a day type

From the 'Day Types' tab, click on the appropriate 'Day Type Name' you wish to edit.

Please note: Hardcoded day types cannot be deleted or hidden

This will display a pop-up with a 'delete' button on the bottom right.

Once clicked, three options are given with a description of what each entails:


Hidden day types can be reactivated at any time by an application administrator of Holiday Planner:

Please note: Reassigning a day to another day type, or deleting the day type as it currently stands are not reversible actions, all data associated including previous bookings are removed.


Created on 28 April 2014 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 30 November 2023

