How to Add a Category in Forums

How to Add a Category to a Board


Go to Applications > Admin > Forums.


To add a category, click on the Add Category icon to the left of the relevant board.



The Create/Edit Category page will appear, where you can configure the details of the category.



- Enter a name for the category in the Title field. A description is optional.


- You can configure an expiration in the Expiration dropdown; by default, there is no expiration set up.

- In the Moderation Type dropdown, you can specify the level of moderation required. Post-Moderated means that all topics and replies will appear immediately. Pre-Moderated means that topics and replies will need to be approved before being published.


- In the Position dropdown, you can specify where you want the category to appear.

- The Allow Voting checkbox allows users to rate topics and replies on a scale of 0 - 4. If this is enabled, you have the option of checking Initial Post Only, which means that users will only be able to rate the first post of the topic, and not its replies.


- Check the Subscribe Users With View Rights if you want all users with view rights to be automatically subscribed to this category. Users will then receive notifications whenever the category is updated.


By default, the Inherit Rights From Parent Folder is checked, which means that the permissions set at board level will be pulled through to category level. You can uncheck this to specify separate permissions for the category if you wish.

When you have completed the required details, click Create.


Last modified on 30 November 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 28 April 2014 by Kerensa Johnson

