Configuring Email Fetching in Infocapture


It is possible to generate a new ticket in infocapture simply by emailing a dedicated email address. You can follow the following steps to configure Email fetching for your InfoCapture project.



  • InfoCapture project with Email Fetching enabled
  • Access to a dedicated POP/IMAP email account


Step 1 - Set up a Dedicated Email Account

Ask your IT team to provide a dedicated POP/IMAP corporate email account for example with the following details. 

  • Host
  • Port
  • Protocol
  • Username
  • Password or Application password

Alternatively, you can set up a new dedicated email address using a public email server such as Gmail by following these steps:

  • Log in to Gmail with the new dedicated email address you are planning to use to capture all emails.  
  • In the top right, click Settings  > See all settings.
  • Click on the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab.
  • In the POP download, select Enable POP3
  • In the 'IMAP access' section, select Enable IMAP.
  • Click Save Changes.

⚠️ Password: Many POP3 and IMAP services such as Gmail use 2FA authentication meaning a normal password won't work. Please create and use an Application Password in Gmail or Office365


Step 2 - Configure Email Fetching in InfoCapture

1 Create a new InfoCapture Project if you don't have one ready to use. Ideally it should contain the following fields


2. Edit Project Properties and check Handle incoming mail and Configure


3. Configure Email Fetching using the details provided.

Here is example for POP3 account

Example for IMAP account


You can set the frequency of how often the system should check for new emails per project.

Note: Email fetching relies on background tasks that run every minute to check for new emails, it is advisable to set the frequency to 5 min or more in the production environment depending on how often you receive the emails.


Testing & Troubleshooting


1. Send an email from another account to the designated email address for email fetching.

2. Login to the email account (use a normal password, not an application password) and see if the email is received in the inbox.

3. Check the system background task to ensure it's running. Depending on configuration sets in the Email fetching, it only triggered at a certain time.
It is advisable not to check too frequently.  Set for every hour or 5 minutes to avoid overloading background tasks.

4. Ensure the same details are only use for one project at a time.

Disable the "Handle Incoming Email" checkbox in another project before setting up a new one.

If the email fetching configuration is used in multiple projects, they might get anything sporadically. It's first-come-first-served when they read it and then it is marked as read

6. Test Application Password Credentials by using a free POP3 Mail Server Test 

Test POP3 Mail Server

7. Still no Email?

Ask our support team to check the system log to give more clues, here is an example log if incorrect credentials or ports were used. Here is an example log showing failed authentication.

[2024-09-04 10:52:36] mail.ERROR: Ddeboer\Imap\Exception\AuthenticationFailedException: [E_WARNING] Authentication failed for user "": imap_open(): Couldn't open stream {} imap_alerts (0): imap_errors (1): - Can not authenticate to IMAP server: [ALERT] Application-specific password required: in /var/www/claromentis/application/vendor_core/ddeboer/imap/src/Server.php:87 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/claromentis/application/web/intranet/core/classes/Mail/Fetch/MailServer.php(58): Ddeboer\Imap\Server->authenticate() #1 /var/www/claromentis/application/web/intranet/common/mail_functions.php(87): Claromentis\Core\Mail\Fetch\MailServer->connect() #2 /var/www/claromentis/application/web/intranet/common/mail_functions.php(433): receive_mail() #3 /var/www/claromentis/application/web/background.php(258): check_emails_for_all_users() #4 {main}




Created on 17 December 2024 by Michael Christian. Last modified on 19 December 2024

