15 results found for tag 'user'

Intranet vs Extranet perspectives: Who can see who?

The Intranet was created to centralise workforce services and boost engagement between employees. Two user perspectives within this exist - Intranet and Extranet users. Intranet users (also called P...

0 comments • Last modified on 19 December 2023 in Extranets

User Management FAQ

Introduction Below is a list of questions which are frequently asked by Claromentis sales team and prospects looking for an Intranet solution. The article covers frequently asked questions about SSO...

0 comments2 people liked this • Last modified on 6 December 2023 in Onboarding

CSV: Expected Data Entry Per Field Type

When creating or updating user information with a CSV the system will expect data to be entered differently depending on the type of field. You can check your field's type in Admin > People ...

0 comments • Last modified on 1 December 2023 in People (Staff Directory)

Blocked users

Blocked profiles mean that the user cannot log in to the site and they will not appear in the People application on the front end. In other applications, their name will appear but it will not be li...

0 comments • Last modified on 23 July 2024 in People (Staff Directory)

Request a New Discover Account

Let us know in a support ticket If a new team member on your side requires Discover access, this can be requested by submitting a support ticket Choose the option shown below to flag your request: M...

0 comments • Last modified on 7 March 2024 in Discover

Documents: Assigning permissions on the admin side

This guide shows how to update permissions on Folders and Documents from the admin side. For more information on the permissions themselves and what each means, see our guide here ------------------...

0 comments • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Documents

Creating a holiday request as a user

Overview In this article we will cover the following: How to request a holiday How to view your booked holiday & requests How to cancel a holiday This may be a useful article to share with your ...

2 comments • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Holiday Planner

Creating Skills Users Can Be Endorsed For

Introduction Skills can be set by administrators for end-users to attribute to themselves on the front end. These are completely customisable so has the potential to cover any skill utilised within ...

0 comments • Last modified on 1 December 2023 in People (Staff Directory)

Extranets FAQ's

Our article Creating Extranets goes over this process in detail I don't have the option to create an Extranet? Your site needs to have extranet user licenses available before an Extranet can be...

0 comments • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Extranets

Deleting a User

Deleting a user profile is a permanent action, once carried out the user's personal data cannot be retrieved. e.g. Policy acceptance, holidays taken etc People administrators have the ability t...

0 comments • Last modified on 1 December 2023 in People (Staff Directory)

LDAP - Configure Profile Fields

Introduction Active Directory (AD) is a database that stores information about users and LDAP is a protocol that allows you to talk to it. A user profile field in your AD will have an attribute name...

0 comments • Last modified on 6 December 2023 in Active directory

Frozen/Locked accounts

Overview Users will have a certain number of attempts for incorrect credential entry as set by People administrators in the Password policy area. The attempts before the maximum will show the below ...

0 comments1 person liked this • Last modified on 14 September 2023 in People (Staff Directory)

Policy Acceptance

When creating a policy you may wish for this to be deemed mandatory for certain (if not all) users to read & confirm. This can be done within the permissions upon creating a policy. The majority...

0 comments1 person liked this • Last modified on 1 December 2023 in Policy Manager

Add New Users

Requirements This user guide is for anyone on Claromentis 8.2+ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction Depending on your license limit, you will be able to add...

1 comment • Last modified on 1 December 2023 in People (Staff Directory)

Synchronising users Information with third-party databases

There are 3 possible ways to get the user's information in sync with other databases, in which you need to decide which is the 'true' source. 1. LDAP Server Suppose you have Active Di...

0 comments • Last modified on 6 December 2023 in Active directory