9 results found for tag 'tips'

Add a Zoom Meeting to a Page

Embedding a Zoom meeting into a Pages page can be a useful thing for things like webinars, recurring departmental meetings or an open 'break room', which people can drop in and out from. S...

0 comments2 people liked this • Last modified on 1 December 2023 in Components

Holiday Zones & Groups and Visibility Tricks

What are Holiday Zones? Zones are typically countries. It is important to set up a different zone for each country that you have users in because they will likely have different public holidays, dif...

0 comments • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Holiday Planner

3 tips that will help your staff avoid video call burnout

Mix up your communication methods Different conversations require different communication methods, and sometimes a video call isn't always appropriate. Using them for every little thing can qui...

0 comments • Last modified on 6 December 2023 in Top Intranet Tips

Why you should prioritise remote team culture - and how to do it

Even before people had heard of Covid-19 and were still working in the office, building a thriving company culture was a challenge for many businesses. In fact, one survey revealed that just 19% of ...

0 comments • Last modified on 6 December 2023 in Top Intranet Tips

How to use Discuss to boost collaboration in your teams

Collaborate from afar Sometimes the best collaborative moments happen spontaneously by the coffee machine, but given this isn't possible right now, you need to get a little creative in how you ...

0 comments • Last modified on 6 December 2023 in Top Intranet Tips

Staff morale about to plummet? Here's how your intranet can boost spirits

Encourage business leaders to blog It's crucial that business leaders are visible and transparent in times of crisis. A regular intranet blog post from senior management is a good way to increa...

0 comments1 person liked this • Last modified on 6 December 2023 in Top Intranet Tips

How to recognise and appreciate your staff from afar

Say 'thank you' It sounds simple, but a 'thank you' from your boss or coworker can do wonders for morale. So whenever your teams do a good job, don't forget to use your intr...

2 comments • Last modified on 6 December 2023 in Top Intranet Tips

3 Intranet tools that will help you communicate with your staff

1) Share updates using News Right now, advice from health bodies and governments are changing every day. It's vital to let your staff know how this will affect their work, so post any updates o...

0 comments • Last modified on 6 December 2023 in Top Intranet Tips

How to apply a new Claromentis license to an On premise system

Introduction This article details how to apply a new Claromentis license to an existing Claromentis system. To request additional user licenses, please submit a request using this form: https://disc...

0 comments1 person liked this • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Technical Documentation