4 results found for tag 'language'


Introduction Applications and their contents have been localised in the Intranet which means certain words and phrases can be changed to something else. This is helpful as elements can be updated fo...

0 comments • Last modified on 17 June 2024 in System Admin

How to Create a Multilingual News Article

News application admins can add/edit language versions of the same article using the News application in Claromentis. The same principle can be applied in our Knowledge Base application. The below s...

0 comments • Last modified on 1 December 2023 in News

System Language

Overview In Claromentis, the language settings determine which language the system displays across all applications. Each user can manage and configure their language settings via 'My settings&...

0 comments1 person liked this • Last modified on 6 December 2023 in System Admin

Switch theme and Language using Bookmarks

The benefits of having an intranet are immense, but when your company is multilingual and multinational, it can become tricky to organise different teams or departments. At Claromentis, we try to st...

4 comments4 people liked this • Last modified on 2 January 2024 in System Admin