3 results found for tag 'browser'

Push notifications settings in browser

Browser Push Notification This is only possible to set up if your site has a custom mobile app developed. If you have browser push notification enabled, you will be prompted for the first time to al...

0 comments • Last modified on 18 June 2024 in Mobile App

Clearing Site and Browser Cache

Included in this article What is the cache? How to clear the site cache How to clear your browser cache ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. What is the cache? When y...

0 comments • Last modified on 13 June 2024 in System Admin

Claromentis Browser Support

Our teams focus on utilising the latest technology, allowing our customers to benefit from the best intranet software for their business. As browser technology advances, so do we, and our research a...

0 comments3 people liked this • Last modified on 6 December 2023 in Top Intranet Tips