11 results found for tag 'FAQ'
Calendar FAQ'S
Can I notify external users about a calendar event? External users cannot be notified about Intranet calendar events unless they are added to it as a guest. To become available as a guest simply typ...
Discuss FAQ's
Can an unwanted post in a Discussion be deleted? Yes, posts and replies can be deleted by: - The 'admin' permission per Topic as set on the front end by a user with edit rights (Topic >...
Buttons FAQ's
How do I link to external sites using Buttons? For any external link ensure the absolute URL is correctly entered for the Button: Including the domain name ensures the full pathway is given and will...
Communication FAQ's
How do I control what type of notifications I receive from the site? Each user can set individual notification preferences either per application or by default for all of them. To check what you cur...
Expenses FAQ's
How do I change the Expense Types for selection? An administrator of the Expense application can make updates to the options seen on the front end via the 'Expense Types' tab on the admin ...
Events FAQ's
Why can't I select a Google Map location for my Event? If you see an error or cannot select a location this means that the Google Map API has not been set up on your site, as this facilitates s...
Extranets FAQ's
Our article Creating Extranets goes over this process in detail I don't have the option to create an Extranet? Your site needs to have extranet user licenses available before an Extranet can be...
Documents FAQ's
A user reports they cannot access a certain folder, how do I investigate this? Access is controlled by permissions so if there are access issues it is likely the user is not included in view permiss...
Blogs FAQ's
Can I set up an approval process on a blog? Yes! Read our guide here. Can I make a blog post on another user's behalf? No, whichever user profile is used to create the post will appear as the A...
Active Directory FAQ's
I'm adding in new users via a CSV and they keep getting blocked? If a user does not exist in your AD but has been added to the Intranet by uploading a CSV file, then the profile created will be...
Holiday Planner FAQ's
How do I update all user's holiday quotas? On the admin side of the application, you will want to click the 'User quota' tab down the left. You will see a list of users appear and at ...