141 results found for tag 'user guide'

Creating Extranets Overview

The user permission group 'All registered' will include extranet users once they are created. Therefore any content across your site using 'All registered' will need to be altere...

0 comments • Last modified on 19 December 2023 in Extranets

Course and Module Validity Reminders

Overview In the Learning application, both Courses and Modules have configurable validity dates meaning that upon completion they will have to be re-taken in X amount of months/years. This guide wil...

0 comments • Last modified on 23 February 2024 in Learning & Courses

Holiday Planner FAQ's

How do I update all user's holiday quotas? On the admin side of the application, you will want to click the 'User quota' tab down the left. You will see a list of users appear and at ...

0 comments • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Holiday Planner

Course and Module Activity Reports

Overview In this article, you will be given an overview of the standard reports found in the Courses (e-learning) application. There are two different types of pre-made reports: Course activity repo...

0 comments • Last modified on 1 December 2023 in Learning & Courses

Blogs FAQ's

Can I set up an approval process on a blog? Yes! Read our guide here. Can I make a blog post on another user's behalf? No, whichever user profile is used to create the post will appear as the A...

0 comments • Last modified on 7 May 2024 in Blog

Create Bookmarks

Bookmarks are a handy tool that can be used to provide quick access to the content inside your intranet or any external resources. In this article, we will cover how you can create, edit, and remove...

0 comments1 person liked this • Last modified on 1 December 2023 in Menu Builder

Troubleshooting Search Results

ISSUE When search function within Claromentis isn't returning expected desired result here are few steps to check. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Check Sys...

0 comments • Last modified on 6 December 2023 in Search

Creating a Knowledge Base article

Introduction Check out our step-by-step guide on how to create a knowledge base article via the Knowledge Base Application. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Adding a...

0 comments • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Knowledge Base

Discuss FAQ's

Can an unwanted post in a Discussion be deleted? Yes, KB comments can be deleted by: - A user who has the 'Create article' permission in a KB category; can delete someone else’s comment on...

0 comments • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Discuss

InfoCapture scenario: Creating time-based triggers

Introduction In this guide, we will give you step-by-step instructions on how to create a notification trigger that is attached to a time-based condition set. A time-based trigger can be used for va...

0 comments1 person liked this • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Advanced Guides

Extranets FAQ's

Our article Creating Extranets goes over this process in detail I don't have the option to create an Extranet? Your site needs to have extranet user licenses available before an Extranet can be...

0 comments • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Extranets

Handover guidance for changes to your Intranet management team

Overview Working landscapes are dynamic and the members of your intranet management team are likely to change over time. New personnel will need to be trained to manage your site and any individual(...

0 comments3 people liked this • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Onboarding

Expenses FAQ's

How do I change the Expense Types for selection? An administrator of the Expense application can make updates to the options seen on the front end via the 'Expense Types' tab on the admin ...

0 comments • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Expenses

Metadata overview

Introduction Access the Metadata application by heading to Applications > Admin > Metadata. Metadata can be used to provide additional information and/or supporting information about content t...

0 comments • Last modified on 1 December 2023 in Metadata

How to configure and search for archived tickets in InfoCapture

Introduction In InfoCapture you can set an 'archiving age' for one (or more if appropriate) status(es) in your form. This means after a certain duration of days the tickets will be pushed ...

2 comments2 people liked this • Last modified on 13 December 2023 in InfoCapture

CSV: Updating user profile fields

In this guide, we will outline the process of exporting & updating profile fields by importing a CSV file in the People application. Using this method will update any profile field you require a...

0 comments • Last modified on 1 December 2023 in People (Staff Directory)

Expenses: An Overview

Introduction The Expenses application supports the submission, management and approval of employee or client project expenses. Along with the number of receipts uploaded, the date in which the expen...

0 comments • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Expenses

Submitting holiday request on behalf of user

A Holiday Manager has the ability to submit holiday request on behalf of another user within the Holiday group. A substitute manager also can submit a holiday request on a user’s behalf. For more in...

0 comments • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Holiday Planner

Security Level in Documents

Overview It is possible to further restrict access to a certain document or folder based on the IP range of the users. For instance, you may want to allow unrestricted access when the user is access...

0 comments • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Documents

Image gallery overview

This guide will provide an overview of the Gallery Image application from both the front-end and admin side of the application. We will cover the following topics: How to set admin permissions in im...

2 comments • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Gallery