

29-11-2024 19:22
29-11-2024 19:22

Please feel free to submit new product enhancement ideas. Our Product Owners will review your ideas periodically and let you know personally if your Idea has been scheduled for development.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to pick up every Idea and not every Idea will receive a reply.

Make sure you also vote on Ideas that you want to see in the product, as we will take this into account when deciding on which ideas to implement.

If you have an immediate need for a feature please submit a Change Request instead.

Empty Search Should Include the User's Parameters
Not knowing what the full parameters around a user's search hampers the ability of site administrators to address any issue. For instance, on our site, if a user searches for "certification," there are a number of results, but if they search the Forms application specifically, they won't find anything. Knowing that they were searching for a form indicates that perhaps we need to do user education or create a search recommendation guiding users to the PDF form in the Documents application.